Attorneys At Law: Criminal, Migration and Family law






Welcome to Prio Law Firm!


We are a modern law firm who will always be on Your side. Our offices are in Stockholm and Uppsala, Sweden, but we will engage in cases all across the country. Always request a lawyer from Prio!


We represent You who are the suspect or the victim of a crime. We work proactively to make sure to gather our own evidence, to make Your legal rights be enforced. Our strenght is that we are unafraid.


Other areas of our expertise are Family law and Migration law. In example, we will assist you in a custody case or in a situation where a Swedish authority has apprehended your children. We do take on any kind of Migration Law case – from asylum, to rights of residence for EU citizens, residence permits or all type of work permits. We are certified with the Swedish Migration Agency for their fast track to enabled work permits within an number of weeks instead of months.


Our attorneys have background within the courts of the country and within the Migration Agency. We therefore know the arguments that will get your case across the line, to reach what you want. It is usual for us to meet people in stressful or hard situations.


Do not hesitate to reach out to us to get guidance and advise on Your case. We speak several languages. The initiation concact is always free. Remember to act early. Doing so may be what gives You the edge.


We are registered with the Swedish Bar Association and always live up to the high standard set by law and the Bar.


Prio advokatbyrå söker en driven juriststudent för extraarbete

  Prio Advokatbyrå är en humanjuridisk byrå med fokus på brottmål och migration. Utöver uppdrag som försvarare och målsägandebiträde arbetar vi inom områdena familjerätt och socialrätt. Vi finns i moderna lokaler på Södermalm. Därutöver har vi ett kontor i Uppsala. Se mer om vilka vi…